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Tanggul di Pulau Kelapa Difungsikan Jadi Jalan Lingkar
photo Budhi Firmansyah Surapati -

30 Drainage Controls Built at Karet Bivak TPU for Handling Inundation

This aims to overcome inundation in Block 18 of Karet Bivak TPU area

The Central Jakarta Parks and City Forest Sub-agency has made 30 drainage controls locally known as bak kontrol plus its installation at Karet Bivak Public Cemetery (TPU), which aims to overcome inundation.

Green Belt and Cemetery Division Head, Budi Hidayat said the drainage controls construction equipped with four submersible pumps was carried out from July to the end of December 2022. It was done in Block 18 of Karet Bivak TPU, which is in a lower position and is often inundated when it rains with high intensity.

Next Week, Channel Dredging Work on Jalan Pengadegan Timur Completed

"This aims to overcome inundation in Block 18 of Karet Bivak TPU area," he said, Tuesday (1/3).

When heavy rain occurred, the water will enter 30 control tubs and flow to the remaining ponds in the tomb area. Then from the pond, it is sucked up by four submersible pumps with 500 cubic meters capacity each per second to be streamed into the river outside the tomb area.

"Hope it can minimize inundation maximally when it rains," he hoped.

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